If your BMW is three years old or more, you must make sure that it passes an annual MOT inspection – this is a regulation from the Ministry of Transport and is required by law. The test checks and confirms the good working order of more than 150 components and systems within your vehicle, including the lights, brakes and horn, wheels and tyres, fuel system, and the full interior.
As BMW models have a reputation for both safety and performance, passing the MOT each year should be straightforward – but, should your model need any unexpected additional work in order to pass, our team of technicians will use their specialist training and expertise to make like-for-like repairs and replacements with genuine BMW parts. The MOT certificate expires at the end of 12 months, so you will need to have your BMW fully retested at the same time each year.
Acting as a local, official MOT testing centre, Douglas Park BMW is the best choice for customers who need to have their model tested and checked. Before starting the test, we'll give your BMW a pre-check to identify any existing issues that you might not have been aware of, even if these won't affect whether your car passes. Once we've completed every check, we'll provide the official VT20 certificate – which is both your receipt for the MOT test and a copy of the information that will be held on the MOT database. Any extra work performed on your BMW will be listed on the advisory notice of the accompanying VT32 document.
Please don't hesitate to contact our team for more information, or to arrange your next BMW MOT at a convenient date and time.