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Since 1977, the Motability Scheme has been giving disabled motorists and road users across the UK easier access to an adaptable vehicle – from a compact everyday car to a spacious people carrier. Park's Hyundai is a Motability Premier Partner, and we comprehensively support customers who select a car through the scheme with our expert advice and care. Visit our showroom to view any model up close and find out more, and we'll continue to help you look after your chosen Hyundai Motability car with repairs and servicing.

If you, or a friend or family member, are in receipt of the Higher Mobility component of the Disability Living Allowance or the War Pensioner's Mobility Supplement, then you're eligible to select a brand new Hyundai through the Motability Scheme. You must have 12 months or more of benefit remaining to qualify. All vehicles supplied on the scheme are covered by Hyundai warranties.

Motorists looking to choose a Hyundai Motability vehicle can pick from the full range of everyday cars, and we provide images and specifications for each model on our website to help you make up your mind. To speak with a member of our staff about any personal Motability adaptations you may have, please head over to our Contact Us page to get in touch with your nearest dealership.

View our latest Motability offers

Motability Eligibility

If you or your child receives one of the following allowances and has at least 12 months remaining on the award, you are eligible to lease a car from Motability:

• Higher Rate Mobility Component of the Disability Living Allowance
• Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment
• War Pensioners' Mobility Supplement
• Armed Forces Independence Payment